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  • Hi Nicole,
    I remember you responded to a GDL question of some sort and wanted to ask you about the GDL past papers. How in the world do I access them on the ULaw Elite site?

    How did you find the Legal method exam?

    Hey SpaceGirl!

    I did go to ULaw but for the LPC not GDL (I studied law).

    Sorry i can't be much use. You may not be able to access them because the term hasn't started (but I can't say for sure).
    Thanks for your response! :)
    Hi Nicole,

    What is the best way to send you a headshot?

    Thanks! x
    Hey Christy,

    If you click on my picture, you should see an option to "start a conversation". This will send me a private message and you can upload the photo there.

    Thanks for checking!

    Re White & Case: the focus is on your application form, then why W&C, why law, some normal competency questions + a number of questions about what the trainee role involves and trying to assess your response to typical situations trainees might find themselves in
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