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  1. D

    Linklaters TC 2023 Applications

    Yes. Received a PFO!
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    Reed Smith LLP Video Interview

    As expected it's a PFO from Reed Smith. I just got an email. I had predicted mass PFOs sometime this week. Phewww!!! The takeaway form Reed Smith application process? Doing a video interview and preparing for strength based interview has helped me to be more confident in a couple of other video...
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    TCLA Direct Training Contract Applications Discussion Thread 2021-22 (#1)

    Hey when did you apply? Is this for 2023 direct TC?
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    Reed Smith LLP Video Interview

    Has anyone received a rejection after their video interview? I have feeling they will send a mass PFO once everyone books their AC slots. BTW my choice was either Spring or Summer! This wait is terrible!
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    Should I defer my TC to attend ACs?

    I am sorry if this sounds rude or bitter. But have you not read this? - I mean for all the integrity and moral horse people talk about themselves on their application, it's quite...
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    Gowling WLG Behavioural Assessment

    I agree with you on that. But if the data they use to categorise personalities itself is not diverse, then it has a chance of being disadvatageous to other underrepresented group. AI is as good as the data you feed it.
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    Gowling WLG Behavioural Assessment

    I just completed Gowling WLG's behavioural assessment which also included an aptitude test. I have mixed feelings about it. The assessment was a set of computer games and at the end of which I got the report. I am having second thoughts about whether I would progress to the next round because...
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    2020-21 Vacation Scheme Applications Discussion

    I got my rejection after being on hold forever! If it has been on hold for VS, it means you have met WG and SJT benchmarks. But since it is so competitive, there might be others who have scored higher than you. Good luck.
  9. D

    The Linklaters application question

    I think it is outside the team. For example as a student or working professional how you had to juggle multiple roles at the same time focus on the teamwork. Hope this helps.

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