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  1. K

    CMA assessment centre

    Hii, I was not sure where to put this post, but I was wondering if anyone happens to have interviewed with the CMA. I was fed up with law firm applications and applied to the CMA's Legal Intern position on a whim and have been invited for an interview?! If anyone has interviewed with them before...
  2. K

    TCLA Vacation Scheme Applications Discussion Thread 2023-24

    So sorry to hear that. Can I ask, is this PFO post AC or WG? Also, I asked them for my WG result just before my assessment centre, so I am sure you can email and they'll happily send it over!
  3. K

    TCLA Vacation Scheme Applications Discussion Thread 2023-24

    Has anyone else heard from RPC post-AC? The silence is nerve-racking.
  4. K

    TCLA Vacation Scheme Applications Discussion Thread 2023-24

    From my limited experience, I found that choosing one that I was genuinely interested in worked best. I spoke about the topic with finesse and was able to have a conversation with the interviewers about it which made my answer seem more genuine, I think. I used ZipLaw, LittleLaw and...
  5. K

    TCLA Vacation Scheme Applications Discussion Thread 2023-24

    I do not want to repeat anything everyone has already said, but because I did the same AC I just wanted to advise on how to come back from this. You are great, I know you prepared a lot for it and you tried your best. No one is lying when they say it is competitive. I did the math (because I too...
  6. K

    TCLA Vacation Scheme Applications Discussion Thread 2023-24

    Reed Smith PFO on this fine Friday.😭 My pillars were 7,6,3,6 and I apparently 'excelled' in both numerical and verbal intellect. I have no idea how the scores aid their decision, but I am going to assume my VI is what they didn't like
  7. K

    TCLA Vacation Scheme Applications Discussion Thread 2023-24

    I share this sentiment. I had an AC today, let the time and my anxiety get the better of me and I think it went terribly. I had a great competency/motivational/situational interview though, let's just hope they see my potential😅
  8. K

    TCLA Vacation Scheme Applications Discussion Thread 2023-24

    Yes, it is! I was thinking of talking about something within the same time frame tbh. I have heard 2 years is the maximum, but I'm never sure
  9. K

    TCLA Vacation Scheme Applications Discussion Thread 2023-24

    Hi. I hope this isn't a silly question, but I'm curious about the time limit for 'recently'. For instance, if an application question says, 'Give a recent example of a goal you have set for yourself', how far back in the past is acceptable?

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