Do firms send out rejection emails?


New Member
Aug 4, 2019
Hey everyone,

I've applied to a number of summer VS' now and it has almost been two months since my initial applications. I have yet to hear back from many and I am starting to get worried as I know a fair few people that have already been invited to assessment centres. So I was wondering if any of you have applied in previous cycles and know if firms send out rejection emails to applicants (post initial application, watson glaser or vid interview). Also, the firms I have applied to supposedly interview on a rolling basis.



Star Member
Nov 26, 2018
It really varies by firm. Some will send a rejection email or update your application portal as soon as they've decided you don't meet their criteria. Others will wait until they have filled all of their vacancies (i.e. well passed the deadline). The latter can be particularly frustrating. Your best bet is to check your application portals where possible since firms will often update them days or even weeks before sending out official emails.

However, what I've written mainly applies to large firms with highly staffed and well-organised grad rec departments. For many firms, extended silence after the deadline is the only confirmation of rejection.

That being said, until applications close, no news is good news!

Definitely don't let the time that has passed get you down. Most firms will fill their spring vacation scheme places before screening summer applications and I know a number of people who received offers after extended waiting!

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