TCLA Direct Training Contract Applications Discussion Thread 2023-4


Valued Member
Premium Member
Jan 14, 2022
Hi there. i was wondering if anyone could help with an answer for an interview question of why I didn't convert a VS to a TC? It's a question i am dreading but ik i should defo expect it coming my way :(

my feedback post-VS wasn't super clear/that useful, I asked but GR didn't give me a specific reason to why i wasn't offered it just that it was a very competitive year l- but i think it was because i didn't score very high in 1 out of 3 of my written pieces during the scheme. I'm not too sure how to say I've improved this though- maybe since i've started working now whereas i was at uni before so not used to writing in a 'lawyerly' way? I did feel quite out of place at the firm so now it's been a few months i think it was for the best as i don't think i would've enjoyed training there but ik that's not an ideal answer haha! Thanks! @axelbeugre
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Legendary Member
Premium Member
Aug 23, 2023
Yeah true! In some email they mentioned they will send last of WG invites end of the month. Maybe we will get it in those?

Anyways, thanks to everyone here for reassuring/ calming me with your helpful attitude 🙏🏻
If I don't get the WG from Freshfields it would be a big disappointment, as last year my personal statement was plagued with typos and still got the WG. I have a feeling they use AI to screen apps?
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Legendary Member
Premium Member
  • Oct 9, 2023
    idk if there will be one more batch. but if they said they aim to get back to everyone by this week then yeah i don’t have much hopes for myself.
    Yeah they will get back to us with a pfo lol

    nah i'm kidding, gotta be positive! It is annoying as i really like the firm but i am also bad at WG so would've failed that anyway

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