Advice on accepting a TC when I still have a final interview elsewhere


Standard Member
Apr 24, 2024
Hi All!

I am writing to ask for advice/people to share their experiences/ direct me to the right place for the following circumstances. A friend of mine has been offered a TC with one firm (firm A) commencing in 2025 and has been given the final contract to sign. However, this friend also has a final interview at another firm in which they are more interested in joining — which is to take place sometime next month (firm B). They are faced with a dilemma: they don't want to inform firm A that they have a final interview with firm B and ask for an extension of time to accept the offer, in case this somehow detrimentally impacts the firm's perception of their commitment etc. (which I don't think should be too much of a worry). They neither want to accept the offer with firm A, for they are unsure that they would be able to renege this acceptance if they were to get a TC offer from firm B. I, therefore, would ask for any advice/ people to share their experience of similar circumstances in response to this thread, as I am 100% sure that such dilemma is very common.

@Jessica Booker

Jessica Booker

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Aug 1, 2019
They would be able to renege the offer all the time they haven’t received any financial support from the firm or started any formal onboarding processes for law school/SQE prep courses.

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