TC or not TC... that is the question


Active Member
Aug 8, 2024
Keeping this as a sort of diary! I am 24, just graduated from Ox/bridge with a Modern Languages degree (2:1) this year. No GDL (hoping to find a firm to sponsor me!). This is my first ever attempt at securing a TC.

Interested in South West firms, and a couple in Cambridge. Definitely not London. Hoping for more of a Private Client base, and particularly hoping to qualify into Family. (I know this is TCLA but hopefully this is still ok to post - I have had so much help from this forum already just from lurking and perhaps my posts might help someone else.)

Applying to:
- Charles Russell Speechlys
- Michelmores
- Foot Anstey
- Burges Salmon
- Ashfords
- RWK Goodman
- Harrison Clark Rickerbys
- Mills & Reeve

- Missed deadline for Irwin Mitchell (gutted. thought it was in Jan, not Dec)
- PFO from Mills & Reeve after psychometric test and personal statement :/
- Applications in progress for Michelmores and Foot Anstey
- First application to CRS sent off, crossing fingers for second round! Feel quite positive about this one. I researched a lot and think it was tailored to me and the firm well. We'll just have to see what they think.

- slightly down from M&R rejection so soon into the cycle, and the stupidity of missing IM applications altogether!!!
- trying to remain hopeful and keep pushing on - determined to not let it affect my other apps
- favourite firm is Michelmores, with CRS close second. After that, I am not too picky. But if CRS reject me at this stage, I will be gutted :(

Fingers crossed for everyone. Will update as emails come in / I send off applications. I also work full time so it is taking me up to each deadline to get it done... But we'll all get there in the end!
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Active Member
Aug 8, 2024
Hey! Looking forward to seeing your journey progressing! Are you currently working in the commercial/legal world or doing something very cool I can imagine with your languages degree?
Hi! I am currently working a bar job while applying for TCs - I have a lot of experience in hospitality and love it (also helps that it doesn’t look terrible on an application!)

I have done two separate weeks of shadowing, one at Slaughters and one with a local high street firm who had a family seat which I absolutely loved sitting in on. I have two contacts who are criminal judges so I’m trying to find the time to shadow them too at some point - as much for my own entertainment as for applications. But as I’m sure everyone agrees, it is tough to find the time to build any legal work experience while in the applications process. I’ve been contacting firms with offices in countries where I speak the language, but so far no luck with work experience. My sister is currently in an overseas office doing a paid internship with Freshfields so I know it’s possible, it’s just finding someone to accept me!

Thank you for your reply :)


Legendary Member
Jun 28, 2024
that sounds great! No doubt your hospitality & bar work will definitely help show off your transferable skills. Wishing you luck with seeking out those other legal opportunities, especially that criminal bar one that sounds juicy!! Thanks for giving insights and look forward to more updates :)
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Active Member
Aug 8, 2024
No real update but I applied to Michelmores just in time. Fingers v tightly crossed. Trying to get VWV application in before the deadline but their website / application form is quite antiquated and buggy so it's taking longer than I'd hope...

Currently working on:
- Harrison Clark Rickerbys

Applied and waiting for response from:
- Charles Russell Speechlys
- Michelmores

- Mills & Reeve (post psychometric test)

As I said before, it's a lot to do while running a household and working at a bar but it'll get done. Feeling nervous and hopeful to hear back from MM and CRS...
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Active Member
Aug 8, 2024
Struggling with the VWV TC application - due today. I'll get it in but I think their question is worded oddly: "Imagine you are advising a client in one of our sectors who is facing a major commercial challenge. Identify a recent business or current affairs issue which may impact them and describe how you would determine the appropriate support they would need from VWV" just feels so wordy. Plus, I don't know how specific to go on ONE sector and simply MY OWN approach (as a nobody without even a law conversion under my belt) and it's difficult to try to get research on the firm specifically into it. I wonder if I'm overthinking it because it's the only question they ask on the application.

Guildford office TC applicants appear to have heard back from CRS for VI (not sure about PFOs). I applied to the Cheltenham office and am very anxiously waiting to hear from them. It doesn't seem that any other Chelt applicants (or, tbf even London or any other office but Guildford) have had a reply, so it must vary by location. Wishing everyone well.


Legendary Member
Oct 18, 2023
Struggling with the VWV TC application - due today. I'll get it in but I think their question is worded oddly: "Imagine you are advising a client in one of our sectors who is facing a major commercial challenge. Identify a recent business or current affairs issue which may impact them and describe how you would determine the appropriate support they would need from VWV" just feels so wordy. Plus, I don't know how specific to go on ONE sector and simply MY OWN approach (as a nobody without even a law conversion under my belt) and it's difficult to try to get research on the firm specifically into it. I wonder if I'm overthinking it because it's the only question they ask on the application.

Guildford office TC applicants appear to have heard back from CRS for VI (not sure about PFOs). I applied to the Cheltenham office and am very anxiously waiting to hear from them. It doesn't seem that any other Chelt applicants (or, tbf even London or any other office but Guildford) have had a reply, so it must vary by location. Wishing everyone well.
I think might be a gift because it is so broad tbh. Osbourne Clarke has done something on business changes in 2025 and what it means for people which might be a good starting point.


Active Member
Aug 8, 2024
I think might be a gift because it is so broad tbh. Osbourne Clarke has done something on business changes in 2025 and what it means for people which might be a good starting point.
I didn't really consider it that way but think you're right. At least I could write on whatever I wanted, which was a good opportunity to talk about something I care about. Thanks a lot for your reply!


Active Member
Aug 8, 2024
At the moment I'm trying to improve my commercial awareness by researching articles that interest me as they crop up in current affairs. I don't really know any things so I fear that could be my downfall, lol.

My sister has just been told she can extend her contract with a Magic Circle firm for a paid internship in Berlin, so I'm excited for her. She's been out there for a few months and this contract is another 3-6 months which is pretty exciting. She also has a TC lined up, but it is a city she doesn't particularly want to live in, and she'll have to self-fund the SQE... Still, a TC is a TC!

I'm not having much luck applying for similar internships in continental Europe. Not sure how to get their attention, as I keep sending emails to multiple firms with CV and cover letter showing research into their firms, but hardly receive the courtesy of a PFO - getting a lot of ghosting atm. I speak three European languages (as well as native English) which opens doors to multiple countries abroad, but so far no one is biting.

At the moment I've had to reduce my hours at the pub I work at, because I'm not sleeping enough while working and trying to make decent applications to a few firms. The way I see it is I can take the pay cut if I'm not really leaving the house, lol. Just got to get through this cycle. Anticipating all applications will be sent off by the end of March, regardless of if deadline is after that. It would be massively helpful if that is the case, as we are moving house in the middle of March, which just adds to the lovely cauldron of stress I'm brewing!

That's all from me today. Thanks for reading, folks. We're all in this together.

Where I stand now (first cycle of applications, oxbridge graduate 2024, non-law) ...

Currently working on:
- VWV Video Interview (sent out automatically to everyone when they upload the application on website)
- Harrison Clark Rickerbys TC application

Applied and waiting for first reply from:
- Charles Russell Speechlys
- Michelmores

- Mills & Reeve (post psychometric test)
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