TLT Interview 2021


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M&A Bootcamp
Aug 26, 2020
Please state the month/year you interviewed at the firm.
February 2021

Please specify what the interview was for.

Direct Training Contract 2022

Please give an overview of the day with approximate timings.

9:30-9:45 - intro
9:45-10:15 - networking
10:15-10:45 - presentation
10:45-11:45 - group exercise
11:45-12:45 - interview

Please provide a summary of each assessment on the day with approximate timings.

  1. Presentation - 10 minute pre-prepared presentation on a "topic that is of interest to you". Followed by approximately 10 minutes of informal style Q&A on the topic which felt more like a general chat.
  2. Group exercise - the group of 4/5 applicants was given 3 company profiles and asked to pitch one to a potential investor. 10-15 minutes to prepare and discuss as a group before a 5-10 minute presentation to the assessors. Assessors then asked questions as the 'investors', and finally asked us how we'd felt the exercise had gone and how well we had worked as a team. Interview - strengths-based interview with a partner and graduate recruiter.
What is your best advice for each aspect of the assessment on the day? Please break this down for each assessment. This can include advice for preparation, as well as tips for the day.
  1. Presentation - prepare well but do not learn a script. Anticipate questions that you might be asked, including around the general topic as the assessor won't necessarily be an expert in your area of choice!
  2. Group exercise - pay close attention to the instructions and don't be afraid to ask clarification questions before the exercise begins! Read quickly to make sure you can skim all the materials in the time given. Build on things others have said in the discussion/preparation time. Be self-aware to ensure you can address how well you have worked as a team at the end. Interview - relax and be yourself! Give specific examples as much as possible.
Were you successful?


Legendary Member
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M&A Bootcamp
Aug 26, 2020
Please state the month/year you interviewed at the firm.
February 2021

Please specify what the interview was for.
Summer Vacation Scheme 2021

Please give an overview of the day with approximate timings.
9:30 Induction
9:45 - 10:15 Presentation
10:15-10:30 Networking with Trainees
10:30 - 11:30 Interview with a Partner and a Grad Recruitment representative
11:40 - 12:45 Group Exercise

Please provide a summary of each assessment on the day with approximate timings.

Presentation - this is an individual presentation exercise on any topic that is of interest to the candidate. This does not have to be a legal topic but ideally it can showcase commercial awareness and link to legal implications. The presentation slides have to be submitted one day before the AC which would be provided to the assessor. The candidate has 15 minute to present which would be followed by questions from a partner.

Interview - the interview involved quick-fired strengths-based questions. The interviewers would ask about 10 questions in an hour. Because of the strengths-based style, the interviewers did not respond or ask any follow-up questions after I provided my answers. Finally I had about 5 minutes to ask any questions to the interviewers.

Group exercise - the group of 5 candidates were given some information about several companies that were looking for investors. The candidates, acting as the investors, had about 35 minutes to read and discuss the investment decision in the group with the presence of assessors. The group subsequently presented about which company we would choose to invest in and the reasons for the decision to the panel. The panel would then ask some follow-up questions (which were not directed to any specific candidate).

What is your best advice for each aspect of the assessment on the day? Please break this down for each assessment. This can include advice for preparation, as well as tips for the day.

Presentation - choose the topic that you are genuinely interested in because you will come across as enthusiastic and answer the questions with more confidence. The instruction was given more than 2 weeks before the assessment day therefore there would be plenty of time to thoroughly research the topic and prepare the slides. Be prepared to answer the questions about the implications on the practice areas, legal work or clients of TLT.

Interview - Be concise and confident. As the interviewers would not interrupt or ask any follow up questions, try not to give answers that are too long or ramble. Support your answers with examples - GR advised to use the STAR structure. Although the questions appeared to be strengths-based that do not specifically ask for a certain situation (for example - how do you build your personal brand), the answer would be stronger with an example to support why you would act in that way.

Group discussion - Showcase your commercial awareness in the group discussion. Provide evidence to support why you would choose that particular business to invest in by linking to what is happening in the market. Research the key sectors that TLT's clients operate in. Demonstrate your teamwork skills such as listening and responding to others' ideas and sharing the tasks. As the exercise is very time-pressured, it is important to plan and allocate the time at the beginning of the discussion. Be proactive to answer the follow-up questions from the panel, but make sure everyone has a chance to respond as well.

Were you successful?


Legendary Member
Staff member
Future Trainee
Gold Member
Premium Member
M&A Bootcamp
Aug 26, 2020
Please state the month/year you interviewed at the firm.
February 2021

Please specify what the interview was for.
Direct Training Contract 2022

Please give an overview of the day with approximate timings.

10 am Arrival and Welcome from Graduate Recruitment,
10:45 am Group Work,
12 pm Presentation,
1pm Interview with one partner and one GR representative.
A Watson Glaser test was completed in advance of the day.

Please provide a summary of each assessment on the day with approximate timings.
The group work involved analysing three businesses and presenting on which one you thought the firm's private equity arm should invest in. We were in groups of 4 and it worked well over video.

The presentation was prepared in advance on anything you wanted that lasted 15 minutes with 15 minutes to run through questions fielded by one assessor. The topic had to link to law somehow and was assessing your commercial awareness. GR requested a copy of your presentation was provided to them in advance of the day.

The strengths based interview was a set list of questions and the interviewers did not deviate from them at all .

What is your best advice for each aspect of the assessment on the day? Please break this down for each assessment. This can include advice for preparation, as well as tips for the day.

The group work went well as the whole team collaborated well. My feedback was that I was quieter than others but I was articulate and open whenever speaking, so I would definitely recommend speaking as much as possible without interrupting people. I also had feedback that I needed to be better at dealing with overbearing people as there was an individual in the group who took control and was not listening to others. GR said in my feedback to treat this activity like a client meeting and be prepared to correct people if they are wrong or spending too much time on anything. I'd recommend researching polite phrases to deal with difficult people but I think this is always the hardest part of group work so you cannot always prepare for it.

The presentation went well given that you could do all your prep in advance. In my feedback they mentioned I had clear slides with a range of sources so the more you research your topic the better it will go. Although they said I was a confident speaker, they felt I was less enthusiastic and more nervous. My advice would therefore pick something you are genuinely interested in so it is easier to talk about naturally.

The strengths-based interview was different and took some getting used to. The interviewers were clear that they could not elaborate on the questions and only repeat them in you did not quite catch it. They asked competency questions and more general ones around your motivations, teamwork etc. I did a practice strengths-based interview in preparation but in my feedback they stated that it still seemed like I had never done one before, so I would definitely recommend practising strengths-based questions as much as possible.

Were you successful?

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