TLT Training Contract 2020


Star Member
Future Trainee
  • Jul 9, 2020

    Has anyone applied for TLT? I am in the process of drafting an application for the Manchester office, and just thought it would be useful to hear other peoples' thoughts on it (whether you have already applied or are also in the middle of one).

    Has anyone had any interaction with the firm e.g. open days (pre COVID!), and if so, how did you find them? I would be interested to know!

    Also thought it would be a good reference point for people who reach future stages!

    Good luck :)
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    Star Member
    Future Trainee
  • Jul 9, 2020
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    Star Member
    Feb 27, 2020

    Has anyone applied for TLT? I am in the process of drafting an application for the Manchester office, and just thought it would be useful to hear other peoples' thoughts on it (whether you have already applied or are also in the middle of one).

    Has anyone had any interaction with the firm e.g. open days (pre COVID!), and if so, how did you find them? I would be interested to know!

    Also thought it would be a good reference point for people who reach future stages!

    Good luck :)
    Hi there! I was wondering if you did get around to making the application and if you had heard back from them?


    Star Member
    Apr 25, 2020
    Okay, I'm curious if anyone else is having the same problem here. I applied for the vacation scheme, then was sent an email stating I wasn't going to be on the VS but was instead allocated place on the August AC. Months came and went, I occasionally sent emails/messages on linked in asking for updates and the answer was always evasive, no date ever given for the AC. August came and went. It's now October and they've started the next round of apps. I went to a law fair yesterday and asked the grad rec head for an update "in person" (ie over webcam) and she said I'd get an email today about it, and she's just been backed up, which fair enough with Covid. No email arrived today, other than a newsletter for new grad rec events. I know for a fact there's at least one other person in this exact same situation, I'm not the only one who got an email moving them from VS to AC - she also got ghosted and when she sends emails she never gets a response. Anyone have anything similar happen to them? I can't work out whether she's still actually considering us or just feels bad to reject us for some reason and keeps putting us off. I have no idea whether to apply again, or wait, or what, it's really confusing

    Alice G

    Legendary Member
    Future Trainee
    Forum Team
    M&A Bootcamp
    Nov 26, 2018
    Okay, I'm curious if anyone else is having the same problem here. I applied for the vacation scheme, then was sent an email stating I wasn't going to be on the VS but was instead allocated place on the August AC. Months came and went, I occasionally sent emails/messages on linked in asking for updates and the answer was always evasive, no date ever given for the AC. August came and went. It's now October and they've started the next round of apps. I went to a law fair yesterday and asked the grad rec head for an update "in person" (ie over webcam) and she said I'd get an email today about it, and she's just been backed up, which fair enough with Covid. No email arrived today, other than a newsletter for new grad rec events. I know for a fact there's at least one other person in this exact same situation, I'm not the only one who got an email moving them from VS to AC - she also got ghosted and when she sends emails she never gets a response. Anyone have anything similar happen to them? I can't work out whether she's still actually considering us or just feels bad to reject us for some reason and keeps putting us off. I have no idea whether to apply again, or wait, or what, it's really confusing
    Hi there,

    It honestly isn’t in a law firm’s interests not to be upfront with candidates and so I truly think they’re probably intending on giving you a date for an AC but that they are just backed up as they said. So many things can happen in a law firm and within recruitment that mean they can’t always send out communications when they said they will. I really appreciate how you must feel since months have been and gone but since it was a Friday you were told you’d be emailed, I would wait till maybe next Thursday/Friday and if they haven’t been back in touch, I’d try to call or email. I’d advise against LinkedIn personally, I think a formal email address or call to the firm’s number would be better here.

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