General Discussion Thread 2020-21

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Jessica Booker

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Aug 1, 2019
@Jessica Booker


I have been successful in securing a virtual vacation scheme. Before the vacation scheme, I have been asked to email over a short biography to include for example my current situations; work or study, what I'm looking to learn on the vacation scheme and interests or hobbies.

How many words would be appropriate for a short biography and what would be the best way to go about this and is there anything I should definitely include?

Thank you very much :)

A paragraph should be sufficient given they have stated “short biography”. The description they have given you is enough guidance really - it’s such a personal thing that there isn’t a set of things to include or not as it will depend on what your individual circumstances are
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Jessica Booker

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Aug 1, 2019
Hi Guys,
What kind of format do you usually adopt when getting in touch with a firm to ask an update about your tc?

keep it as short as possible. Explain your name, what you have applied for and what stage you are at, and politely ask for an update.

It probably won’t be much longer than the above

Mo M

Distinguished Member
Junior Lawyer
  • Jun 6, 2020
    Hi Guys
    What would be the best format of writing about work experience in that part of the app form? I am confused whether to do it in bullet point format to get more in or more of a paragraph style.
    Thank you!

    Jessica Booker

    Legendary Member
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    Aug 1, 2019
    Hi Guys
    What would be the best format of writing about work experience in that part of the app form? I am confused whether to do it in bullet point format to get more in or more of a paragraph style.
    Thank you!

    Generally paragraphs for an application, bullet points for a CV
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