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Covid-19’s Impact on the Energy Industry


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  • Feb 17, 2018
    Those of you who have read our guides before will know that we're a big fan of long-form guides. We love really diving deep into a topic and breaking down its history, the surrounding issues and why it's relevant today.

    With that in mind, we're absolutely delighted to publish this article from TCLA Writer @Oliver Gilliland.

    In this article, Oliver explains:
    - The economic impact of falling oil prices
    - The issues plaguing the oil industry and its future
    - How Covid-19 has impacted oil supply and demand
    - The new opportunities for renewable energy
    - The impact on the legal sector

    Let us know what you think: https://www.thecorporatelawacademy....pipe-covid-19s-impact-on-the-energy-industry/!


    New Member
    Jun 26, 2020
    For me the most important part was information about thealternative energy. As I'm trying to make my home eco friendly. I have found a lot of useful information about alternative energy supplier on https://usave.co.uk/energy/guides/ I was trying to go to the less pack to save some money. But my energy supplier did not provide such a service. They only have a standard pack. So i found another energy supplier with more cnonvineint plan. It took them less then 14 days to conect me to another supplier. and everything is done automatically.
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