My Journey to TC


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  • Dec 8, 2021
    Just a quick update:

    The one firm that put me on hold for VS transferred me to Direct TC. I called my faculty and they said I can't attend during term date 😢 I knew this would be a problem for winter VS (hence I didn't apply to any) but haven't thought it would be so for Spring/Summer as well when we should finish all assessments in May. Fellow international students, please remember to check the vac scheme dates and your term dates!


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  • Dec 8, 2021
    I have officially submitted 30 apps for this cycle!! Reached a milestone yay

    I'm not sure if I can even do 35 at this point. With 2 ACs coming up, I decided to ditch Covington bc I really don't have time to invent a new product🫠

    I have submitted all the ones I genuinely care about and I'll see if I can complete a few more due by end of Jan. I decided to move some firms to direct TC as well bc I can't complete them in time for their VS deadline. But I am still quite happy with my progress so far!
    • 🏆
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    Legendary Member
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  • Dec 8, 2021
    Hi all!! Updating on the very first day of the Year of the Snake 🐍🐍

    I have officially completed both of my ACs. One last week and one yesterday. Honestly it was quite intense for both. I think I did well in some parts and also recognised areas of improvement. Overall, it's quite nice to be invited to the ACs knowing how competitive it is to reach that stage. I look forward to receiving feedback to continuously improve myself!

    And one AWESOME news: I GOT MY FIRST VACATION SCHEME!!!! I still can't believe it to this day🥹🥹 tbh I felt like there are some parts of the AC I could perform a lot better so it came as a surprise to me! I genuinely thought they were calling me because of my travel reimbursements🤣 Just the day before I got the call, I thought I would seek career elsewhere if I again secure nothing this cycle. After all these years, I finally managed achieve something I've been dreaming about and it feels surreal!! I'm really excited for what comes next!
    • 🏆
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    Legendary Member
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    Jan 1, 2021
    Hi all!! Updating on the very first day of the Year of the Snake 🐍🐍

    I have officially completed both of my ACs. One last week and one yesterday. Honestly it was quite intense for both. I think I did well in some parts and also recognised areas of improvement. Overall, it's quite nice to be invited to the ACs knowing how competitive it is to reach that stage. I look forward to receiving feedback to continuously improve myself!

    And one AWESOME news: I GOT MY FIRST VACATION SCHEME!!!! I still can't believe it to this day🥹🥹 tbh I felt like there are some parts of the AC I could perform a lot better so it came as a surprise to me! I genuinely thought they were calling me because of my travel reimbursements🤣 Just the day before I got the call, I thought I would seek career elsewhere if I again secure nothing this cycle. After all these years, I finally managed achieve something I've been dreaming about and it feels surreal!! I'm really excited for what comes next!
    So happy for you congratulations!!!!!!
    • 🤝
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    Ali A

    Legendary Member
  • Feb 28, 2022
    Hi all!! Updating on the very first day of the Year of the Snake 🐍🐍

    I have officially completed both of my ACs. One last week and one yesterday. Honestly it was quite intense for both. I think I did well in some parts and also recognised areas of improvement. Overall, it's quite nice to be invited to the ACs knowing how competitive it is to reach that stage. I look forward to receiving feedback to continuously improve myself!

    And one AWESOME news: I GOT MY FIRST VACATION SCHEME!!!! I still can't believe it to this day🥹🥹 tbh I felt like there are some parts of the AC I could perform a lot better so it came as a surprise to me! I genuinely thought they were calling me because of my travel reimbursements🤣 Just the day before I got the call, I thought I would seek career elsewhere if I again secure nothing this cycle. After all these years, I finally managed achieve something I've been dreaming about and it feels surreal!! I'm really excited for what comes next!
    so well deserved!
    • 🤝
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    Distinguished Member
    Feb 20, 2023
    Hi all!! Updating on the very first day of the Year of the Snake 🐍🐍

    I have officially completed both of my ACs. One last week and one yesterday. Honestly it was quite intense for both. I think I did well in some parts and also recognised areas of improvement. Overall, it's quite nice to be invited to the ACs knowing how competitive it is to reach that stage. I look forward to receiving feedback to continuously improve myself!

    And one AWESOME news: I GOT MY FIRST VACATION SCHEME!!!! I still can't believe it to this day🥹🥹 tbh I felt like there are some parts of the AC I could perform a lot better so it came as a surprise to me! I genuinely thought they were calling me because of my travel reimbursements🤣 Just the day before I got the call, I thought I would seek career elsewhere if I again secure nothing this cycle. After all these years, I finally managed achieve something I've been dreaming about and it feels surreal!! I'm really excited for what comes next!
    Happy Year of the Snake!! Well done!
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    Legendary Member
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  • Dec 8, 2021
    I am rethinking my application strategy and tbh I feel like I won't put in any more VS apps. Orrick has a 'tiny intake' as Chambers Student put it and R&G has no work experience section. That does not work in my favour cuz my grades were just meh. And some other reasons I would elaborate. So the total number is 30 + FF DTC!

    Revisiting my goals in Sep last year, I think I managed to tick all the boxes (sorta):

    For this cycle, I aim to do the following:
    - Send 30+ Spring/Summer VS applications

    ✅ exactly 30 haha

    - Attend as many in-person open days/evenings as possible
    ❓I didn't go to as many in person ones bc of rejections & my schedules. But I did attend a lot of online ones which are also quite helpful. Funnily enough two firms that rejected me for open days invited me to ACs.

    - Become more organised and not submit applications last minute!!
    ✅ & ❓I definitely did a lot better compared to last cycle, esp my Christmas VS app marathon 🤣 But there's still a handful I submitted on the deadline day either bc I was too busy or I just thought I might submit one in case they like me lol

    Application strategy-wise, I tried to diversify as much as I can. I was previously focussing on large international law firms, didn't do MC or US for previous cycles. Tbh the large intl firms are still my fav and from my understanding fit me the most. I applied to MC and got 2 PFOs, 2 waiting, 1 didn't apply bc of their horrible culture (iykyk).

    With US firms, I got 5 PFOs (no point waiting for Goodwin Cooley and V&E so I'm including them) and 3 progressions. Even these three are not the most 'American' firms as they have pretty decent presence in London. So I am right not applying to them before haha. One invited me to AC (the one I did earlier this week) and tbh I feel like I may not be a good fit. I was confused why I got the AC in the first place (am still). People at the firm are very nice, so are the candidates in the AC. But I'm not the eloquent type and I felt it in comparison to others in the group exercise. To an extent, I am happy to be on the supporting-ish role and not having to carry the discussion. This ties in to my reasoning for not applying to Orrick and R&G.

    I am just waiting for the rest to come back to me and see how it goes. I also have around 8 lined-up for DTC and will work on them later down the line. I really need to get back to my uni work now. Back to the warm embrace (not really) of readings and essays🥹
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