2020-21 Vacation Scheme Applications Discussion

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Star Member
Dec 23, 2020
As someone who is impatient to get a job too, something you should consider is just applying for 2023 TCs and just asking if they will let you start sooner. I was speaking to a recruiter at interview about this recently and apparently it's not uncommon for one or two trainees every cycle to want to defer their TC for a year after receiving it.

But ultimately, it depends on the firm. The worst thing they can do is say no and you have to paralegal for a bit. Could be a good opportunity to experience a different practice area anyway.
Thanks! That is actually very helpful, haven't thought about it. I have been applying for both 2022 and 2023, but as you say, am bit impatient and would want to start asap

Jacob Miller

Legendary Member
Future Trainee
Forum Team
  • Feb 15, 2020
    Oh wow - snap. Also doing my diss - though my laptop refuses to work. What's yours on?
    excited how i met your mother GIF
    Position of tort creditors in corporate insolvency, essentially breaking down the issues with the current common law protections and going on to suggest a new (and original, afaik) statutory regime.

    Asil Ahmad

    Legendary Member
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    Forum Winner
  • Mar 29, 2020
    Position of tort creditors in corporate insolvency, essentially breaking down the issues with the current common law protections and going on to suggest a new (and original, afaik) statutory regime.

    OMG I love corporate insolvency I am doing it now best thing about company law and law school just saying.

    Anya B

    Distinguished Member
    Jan 28, 2021
    I emailed a local firm in Sixth Form to enquire about getting some work experience/shadowing. They emailed back "I'm very sorry to say that the only solicitor in our team who can accommodate you during that week is David. You're very welcome to join him but he's a bit of a dull arsehole. Yours respectfully, David". He was the most lovely human being I've ever met and a truly incredible lawyer.
    This is absolutely brilliant! Thanks for sharing, really made me smile :)
    Reactions: Daniel Boden

    Jacob Miller

    Legendary Member
    Future Trainee
    Forum Team
  • Feb 15, 2020
    Sounds thrilling mate haha
    OMG I love corporate insolvency I am doing it now best thing about company law and law school just saying.
    Fortunately I got to skip the dissy for my law degree a couple years back. Doesn't sound like a fun 10 months of your year
    Haha I'm going to sound like a huuuuge nerd but I'm genuinely really enjoying it and find the subject massively interesting! Doesn't feel super daunting because I really enjoy it.

    Daniel Boden

    Legendary Member
    Highest Rated Member
  • Sep 6, 2018
    Haha I'm going to sound like a huuuuge nerd but I'm genuinely really enjoying it and find the subject massively interesting! Doesn't feel super daunting because I really enjoy it.
    Haha in all seriousness I can tell you from experience that that's the key with any dissertation! Find something you're genuinely really interested in and then the research/reading is so much more bareable and the high marks will follow! Sure you'll do great mate :D
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