TCLA Vacation Scheme Applications Discussion Thread 2021-22 (#1)

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Legendary Member
Nov 28, 2019
Another cycle, another streak of rejections. People are getting ACs at HSF, HL, Links, S&M and I applied ages ago, which most likely means a bunch of PFOs for me. Have also already been rejected from 9 other firms. I have a CV with a vac at an MC, two insight schemes, citizens legal advice volunteering, full-time work in restaurants over the summer, internship at a famous think tank, leadership positions, a 1st class degree, speak 4 languages, but to no avail. I even get my apps reviewed and edited by friends who work at the firms I am applying to - several of them are shocked I am not even getting VIs/WGs/TIs. I definitely don't think I am entitled to a job, but it does feel a bit strange I don't at least get a chance to show what I am capable of in an interview. If they want to reject me at that stage - fine, at least then I know they rejected me after giving me a fair chance.

I see the alt-right trolls lurking in the Legal Cheek comments going on about reverse racism and preferences always being given to women and minorities for jobs. I don't believe in that bull at all, but as a white, working-class Northerner male it is sadly quite tempting to make your mind wander towards cynicism when your peers with far less impressive CVs and worse grades seem to breeze through the application process (many of them have shown me their apps, so I am not throwing wild assumptions here).
It’s luck… in life the best person for the job doesn’t always get it. The hardest worker isn’t the most successful. The smartest person does t always get the job etc. Everyone here works hard and everyone here is very talented, you will drive yourself crazy being like ‘why are they better than me?’ They could not be! They could just have had a lucky break.
I have worked very hard but I know when I finally get it I will be lucky too. Sometimes you just gotta wait your turn


Distinguished Member
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Premium Member
Nov 18, 2020
Just received Simmons and Simmons VI + tests - Does anyone know what type of questions they ask? I have searched the TCLA forums but there are not any specific details?
Hi! Just wondering - how long post-SJT did you have to wait for the VI? I submitted my SJT a while back and have yet to hear back 😟

Jessica Booker

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Graduate Recruitment
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Forum Team
Aug 1, 2019
for WC cover letters, would it suffice to start off with e.g. "Dear Graduate Recruitment Team" and end with "Yours Sincerely"? You do not need to have addresses at the top right
If you don’t know the name of the person you are sending it to, then yours faithfully will be a better sign off than sincerely, but apart from that, yes, it will be ok to not include the addresses.

Susan Nelson

New Member
May 21, 2020
I was wondering if anyone had completed the Ashurst tests (cognify/emotify) on a laptop without an external mouse? I am having trouble accessing the games on my phone and I don't have access to a computer at the moment either!


Legendary Member
  • Nov 30, 2020
    This is what Freeths legal assistant programme says "We recruit Legal Assistants on a rolling basis throughout the year. We request that candidates apply towards the end of their degree" does that mean that I shouldn't apply during the beginning of my academic year or they just rather you don't?
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