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    Norton Rose Fulbright cover letter

    Thank you! It's just good to know that I'm on the right track with my structure :)
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    Norton Rose Fulbright cover letter

    Hi all, Just a quick question about the ideal format for the 750 word cover letter for the NRF TC application. My idea is to structure it in this manner: Dear Graduate Recruitment, 1) Why (commercial) law, 2) Why NRF, 3) Why me. Yours faithfully, [Name] Do you think that would be about...
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    TLT assessment centre- questions about presentation exercise

    I'm excited to say that I received an interview offer with TLT! Part of the email which describes the structure of the AC says as follows: "You will complete a 15 minute presentation assessment on a topic that is of interest to you. This does not have to be a legal topic, however it must link...
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    ☆☆☆ Kingsley Napley questions- any advice? ☆☆☆

    I thought I would probably do this- say that I could not recall ever having done so, but talk about what I'd do if I did. I honestly think the last time I ever did that was when I was about 13 years old and I don't really think it'd be relevant to this application! I find knowing how to respond...
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    ☆☆☆ Kingsley Napley questions- any advice? ☆☆☆

    Thanks for your reply! I just don't think I've ever disclosed something private about a friend that they don't want me to disclose. So I don't even think that would work as an example.
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    ☆☆☆ Kingsley Napley questions- any advice? ☆☆☆

    Two have me a bit stumped: 1) "Tell us about a time you disclosed information that was private or confidential. How did you rectify the situation?" (200 words) This is by far the one I'm more confused by. I'm unsure what to answer for this. I currently work as a paralegal and obviously what...
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    "We considered your application to be particularly strong, and would encourage you to reapply next year".

    A couple of my applications which have been rejected have received a variation on this response: "Please note, we considered your application to be particularly strong and would encourage you to reapply next year if you wish to do so." Is this something they send to everyone, or should I take...
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    The question, "can you give me an example of a situation where you overcame adversity"?

    Thank you. I will definitely keep this example in mind if I am asked this question again.
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    The question, "can you give me an example of a situation where you overcame adversity"?

    I was recently asked this question in an interview. What I really wanted to talk about was how I overcame chronic mental illnesses after a decade-long battle, or how I entirely self-funded the GDL by self-funding with a minimum wage job and working extremely long hours. Instead, I panicked as...
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    Should I bring pens, paper, highlighters etc to an in-person assessment centre?

    Thank you! I decided to go ahead and bring them- didn't need them anyway but appreciated the extra security. I guess it is always better to be over- than under-prepared. Thank you for your answers :-)
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    Should I bring pens, paper, highlighters etc to an in-person assessment centre?

    Or will those be provided by the firm for the necessary exercises?
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    Assessment centre interview- any general advice?

    Another question- the dress code is smart casual. What would you recommend to wear?
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    Can anyone give me ideas on how to answer the question, "Please tell us about something which did not turn out as you expected"?

    Thanks both! Would you say it is better (as a very rough, general rule) to always give an example of work experience, or does it seem more well-rounded to also give examples of general life experience in an application?
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    Can anyone give me ideas on how to answer the question, "Please tell us about something which did not turn out as you expected"?

    It feels like it should be an easy question to answer. However, most of my work experience has been in areas where certainly a lot of unexpected stuff happened on a daily basis, but I can't share any details about specific scenarios, because of client confidentiality. I'd rather just give this...
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    Irwin Mitchell Vacation Scheme & Training Contract Application 2024

    Same boat here too! Completely the opposite of my very prompt rejection from Bristows in the same week 😂
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    Struggling with this TC application question- any advice?

    "Please tell us about an outstanding personal achievement which added value to either your academic or working environment." So, I think this could be answered in one of two ways: 1) I could discuss a "personal" i.e. extracurricular/non-academic/non-work achievement that added value to my...

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