TCLA Vacation Scheme Applications Discussion Thread 2023-24


Distinguished Member
Feb 16, 2022
if Milbank and W&C can muster up the cojones to finally pull the plug i'd be very appreciative :)
I personally wouldn't write off Milbank so soon, it seems that they were still offering ACs in Feb last application cycle :)
Additionally, W&C has been known to take a while to get back to applicants, so I would just try to be patient!
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Active Member
Premium Member
Dec 12, 2023
Just completed HL WG and tbh as always I did awful but I wanted to know what people would’ve put for this question as I was severely confused 😭 or maybe I’m stupid 🤔 (I’ve been rejected twice for HL this cycle VS and lift off)

"Professional development programmes must focus on both the organisation's goals and employees' individual career objectives."

Proposed assumption
“It is difficult for an employee to meet his or her individual career goals without the support of the organisation.”

Assumption made or Assumption not made

I put assumption made but I’m pretty sure it’s wrong 😕
I saw a YouTube video that said for these questions start of my repeating the assumption and say- “yeah but you’re assuming that…”

If the whole sentence makes sense and has been assumed then assumption made.

If it sounds like gibberish/doesn’t make sense or relate then assumption not made. I’d say not made
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