TCLA Vacation Scheme Applications Discussion Thread 2023-24


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Jan 1, 2021
Thank you! It was honestly like a comedy sketch and will probably never live it down.

Ah well, at least I’ll always have a funny story to pull out if needs be? But hope that goes to show everyone that things can always go much, much worse!
You probably won’t be forgotten as a candidate that’s for sure! And also, partners are only human.


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Nov 2, 2023
If anyone wants to feel better about themselves about how this application process is going, just be rest assured that it could not go worse than my AC today if you tried.

I felt like my written exercise went quite well and then came my partner interview. I felt prepared and the interview was progressing positively. However, I gesticulate a lot during interviews (not a regular amount, but excessively). I took the Partner’s offer for a glass of water at the start of the interview and as I’m sure you can imagine how this story ends, my hand knocked over the glass of water, which spilt all over my shirt, lap, and onto the chair.

The Partner gave an awkward laugh and said not to worry as they fetched a paper towel, but I was absolutely mortified. The rest of my answers were obviously not good as I was uncomfortable in both a physical and emotional sense.

When I went to the toilet afterwards to dry myself off and to hold back the tears, I realised that my white shirt was lower quality than I imagined. When I knocked the glass with such vigour, it splashed a lot of water onto my shirt. As such, it had gone slightly see through and I was very likely flashing a Partner I’d just met my bra.

So, if you think things go badly for you, at least you didn’t soak yourself, embarrass yourself, and let a Partner know Victoria’s Secret!

I’m sure I’ll laugh about it one day and sharing it makes the pain slightly worse. Perhaps they’ll give me a VS out of pity. A fat glass of wine is now needed.
I'm sending you a virtual girl hug right now!! Im so sorry this must have been so uncomfortable but good on you for soldering on through the interview regardless ❤️
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Sep 14, 2023
@axelbeugre @Jessica Booker

Hi, I am applying for a vac scheme with a firm that has recently started doing a work experience scheme. Both are two week long. Both use the same application form. I asked the recruiter if I can apply to both and she sounded a little unsure at first but then said I can.

Am I okay to just copy and paste? I mean the application forms are identical so i don't know what else to do. Also, the reason why I am applying for the work experience programme as well is because there's no online test and so it's easier to get some sort of experience even if I don't make it to the vacation scheme.
thank you!! <3
If the recruiter confirmed this then I would say that you can apply with similar answers.

I will still try and make it a bit different where you can, for instance in the 'why the firm' section, you can focus on different aspects in both applications and that is already a significant difference in itself.
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Sep 14, 2023
@axelbeugre @Jessica Booker when completing an application, it is a good idea to mention a legal work experience/vacation scheme opportunity that you have coming up at another law firm? The firm is in a different region to where I would be applying for TC's but also in the same region as another that I am to for a VC.

I know that completing legal work experience can be helpful but I have not yet done it even though it has been confirmed. Should I mention it and how could I go about this because it was somewhat due to a connection that I have at the firm putting in a good word for me in addition to my CV which is also pretty good :)
I personally would not mention anything that you have not yet done just to be on the safe side.

It is better to mention these experiences once you do them as I am sure they will be points that your interviewers will raise and saying in the interview that you cannot talk about the experience because you still have not done it might not be productive in my opinion.

I hope that helps but good luck with the applications!
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Sep 14, 2023
Hi axel, I am in a similar position. How does one go about asking to be considered for a direct tc. Would you have to leverage other offers or just ask directly?
I personally emailed saying that I had an offer with a tight deadline but I was very interested in the firm and wanted a chance to convert my vacation scheme offer. I think that the key is stressing the fact that you have another offer but you are still very interested in the firm you are emailing and ask if there is anything they can do to put you on the direct training contract route.

Alternatively, calling HR might also be a good idea so that you can come off even more genuine and excited about the firm.


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Sep 14, 2023
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Jan 28, 2021
This is quite a random question, but in written exercises, is it better to use “we” or “I” when referring to assistance you may give?

In my current paralegal position, I’m always told to use we so it refers more to the firm (as in “we note”, or “we would advise”). Is this a standard approach or is it better to use “I” so your advice appears more focused and personal?

It may be a case of me just overthinking and one of those things that makes zero difference but figured I would source opinions nonetheless!


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Sep 14, 2023
hello @Jessica Booker ! I did an AC a couple weeks ago and the firm said they’d get back to me within a week but I haven’t heard yet. What could this mean? Should I be preparing myself for a pfo or does it mean they liked me enough not to pfo straight away but not enough to offer straight away?

Should I email to follow up or wait patiently for their reply? I don’t want to come across as impatient!
I personally think that it is never beneficial to think too much into things after an assessment centre. The perceptions that you have about how it went are more often than not completely wrong and so just wait for the result!

I know it is easier said than done and I was like you when I was applying last year but objectively speaking overthinking the situation is not beneficial to you and that is what matters the most. Instead, flip the narrative and focus on the fact that you were able to attend an assessment centre with a firm you are interested in as this is a privilege that not many get to experience and be hopeful that they saw your potential.

I am sure you performed way better than what you think.

I would email them after the end of the 2 weeks mark if you really want to know the outcome. I am sure the firm is probably really busy these days.


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Aug 5, 2021
I was just doing the Simmons & Simmons Blended Assessment and when I reached the VI stage, it says “Thank you for completing the Simmons & Simmons online assessment” before I could even read the question. I didn’t answer a single question and they’ve already sent me a feedback report. 😭 I’m gonna try contacting the firm but I’m anxious coz my deadline is today/tomorrow.
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Oct 17, 2023
Regretting taking out my 'helping clients tackle literal and figurative unchartered waters' when talking about the shipping sector and its fueling changes in my SH application.

At the time felt grad recruitment might have found it incredibly cringy.
me describing every shipping law firm I apply to as the client’s “first port of call”
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  • Jan 23, 2021
    Ferrari and Tesla are not competitors
    Well to be very honest they are competitors, both have increasingly bolstered their presence in the EV sector. To give you an example you can research it Tesla has a model called Tesla Model X, whereas Ferrari has the model called SF90 Stradale!

    If I would compare the both, I would say the Stradale is a beaut! Tesla’s are for computer science geeks, people that don’t have class lmao!


    New Member
    Feb 4, 2023
    How do interviews based on the application form vary from blind interviews? What kinds of questions can I expect? I assume less competency but will they really question things like my motivation for applying and/or throw in some unexpected questions?
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    Esteemed Member
    Oct 18, 2023
    How do interviews based on the application form vary from blind interviews? What kinds of questions can I expect? I assume less competency but will they really question things like my motivation for applying and/or throw in some unexpected questions?
    From my experience, there are a set number of questions which are kind of standard, like why law, why a solicitor and not a barrister (depending on your work experience), why did you choose your A levels, why did you choose your degree? Then they normally throw in an "I see you have this on your CV, can you tell us more about it? What did this entail? How did you get the experience? What did you learn from it? Is there anything that you would do differently? I've had some rogue questions thrown in, like one place asked "Would you consider yourself a competitive person?"


    Valued Member
    Sep 13, 2023
    From my experience, there are a set number of questions which are kind of standard, like why law, why a solicitor and not a barrister (depending on your work experience), why did you choose your A levels, why did you choose your degree? Then they normally throw in an "I see you have this on your CV, can you tell us more about it? What did this entail? How did you get the experience? What did you learn from it? Is there anything that you would do differently? I've had some rogue questions thrown in, like one place asked "Would you consider yourself a competitive person?"
    Interesting questions, which firms asked these questions? I'm interested.


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    Jan 28, 2021
    How do people obtain off-cycle internships/shadowing experiences?

    I know these opportunities exist because people on LinkedIn have random work experience entries where the dates don't align with vac scheme dates or the work experience lasts for over a month. How do they find out about these and how can I?
    Unless you're lucky, I'd say there's a strong chance it's nepotism based.

    I emailed about 15 firms last summer asking for a week of informal work experience and didn't hear back from 14 and 1 said it wasn't something they offered. I just think the legal sphere is so competitive these days that unless you have connections or get onto an arranged scheme, work experience is incredibly difficult to come by.

    I had a housemate last year who managed to source two weeks' worth of work experience. Unsurprisingly, that was obtained through a friend of her dad's. Connections are needed in many instances, unfortunately.


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    May 15, 2022
    I know about the legal nepo babies but is there any other way.

    I know schemes like 10000 black and able interns exists but just wanted to see if there are any other similar schemes.
    The Brokerage, Generation Success Mentoring, SEO London and upReach do a good job of advertising legal internships and providing exclusive ones too.
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    Valued Member
    Sep 13, 2023
    How do people obtain off-cycle internships/shadowing experiences?

    I know these opportunities exist because people on LinkedIn have random work experience entries where the dates don't align with vac scheme dates or the work experience lasts for over a month. How do they find out about these and how can I?
    You have to dig deep. But more often than not (when it comes to shadowing Gov Professionals/Counsels/etc) it's through "networking". Typically they know someone who knows someone. Some people with this experience will say it's because they "just sent an email in" with their CV, but it's only allowed because they can mention that they know someone that the professional/company networks with.

    I realised this when I got my mentor at the start of my MA. He runs a Social Strategy firm in LDN. He informed me that in big roles for internships (not organised), they usually ask interviewees who they know etc. They wanna vet you out for your connects! This was made more clear when my diss supervisor gave me access to academics he knew from all over the country. And once I met them, they mentioned more people that they knew so it became a snowball effect. Sadly that's how it works. You mostly get access to these things because of your connection. I have not encountered anyone who gained an off-cycle experience without knowing someone. That's not to say that an alternative approach doesn't exist, but I have not seen anything outside of this. Grad scheme and general internships are the best bet!

    I was so upset not securing a grad role or internship during uni, especially compared to my friends. But when I asked how they got their gigs the overwhelming amount got it because of their parent's STRONG connections.

    My friend got a Wank of England Internship cause his mom's a big-time journalist for the BBC and had connects in the company - now he's on the grad scheme. Another friend interned for her Dad's journalism NGO (which he founded), and now she's in PR. The list could go on and on.
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