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2020-21 Vacation Scheme Applications Discussion

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Legendary Member
Future Trainee
  • Dec 15, 2018
    Magazine Everyone GIF

    Do not worry my PFO is around the corner

    Update: just received a scam call..winning winning winning!

    Can we start a trend where we start posting on LinkedIn how we're "thrilled" and "humbled" to have been rejected?


    Distinguished Member
    Feb 19, 2021
    I've only seen one so I wasn't sure if they had sent them all out yet!

    Yep - I have learned a valuable lesson with a different firm that you really don't know until you hear!

    I tortured myself by looking on LinkedIn for incoming vacation scheme posts with that other firm and received an offer anyway. It could be down to timings of the AC, timings of the VS (Easter vs summer), or even a situation where someone has been offered a place early because they contacted GR and said they had a deadline to accept another VS.

    Fingers crossed it's good news for us all! 🌟
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    Legendary Member
    M&A Bootcamp
    Sep 25, 2020
    Yep - I have learned a valuable lesson with a different firm that you really don't know until you hear!

    I tortured myself by looking on LinkedIn for incoming vacation scheme posts with that other firm and received an offer anyway. It could be down to timings of the AC, timings of the VS (Easter vs summer), or even a situation where someone has been offered a place early because they contacted GR and said they had a deadline to accept another VS.

    Fingers crossed it's good news for us all! 🌟
    This is definitely true, I also think it can depend on which interview slot you have- for example, I was one of the last people to be interviewed for my spring VS and I'm guessing by the time I was interviewed, GR had a pretty good idea of whether or not I'd fit their criteria for the VS candidates as they'd pretty much seen everyone else so I got my invitation sooner than others who had interviewed earlier (when they wouldn't have had as clear an idea!)
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    Legendary Member
    Sep 27, 2020
    Question regarding how law firms operate as businesses:
    -Are they any benefits in terms of leverage (associate-to-partner hours) of having a smaller team of lawyers working on particular transaction or case?
    - More generally, what are the benefits of having smaller (3-5 person) teams besides greater responsibility for trainees?

    To answer your first question, higher leverage is great for corporate departments, but a smaller team is preferable where the issue requires really complex and advanced knowledge e.g. specialist tax issues. In that scenario, having only one partner on the deal or issue is what law firms generally do rather than loading up associates who not only don't have the skills to advise the client, but also are redundant since you wont need the manpower for such specific issues.

    To answer your second question, some of the benefits from the top of my head are:
    • More efficient. You are getting more work done per lawyer compared to other firms who are doing the same thing with more lawyers. Efficiency also increases when you consider the fact that it is impossible to hide away. If you're surrounded by 10 people, it can be easier to shy away - not so much if there are only 3.
    • Probably less wasted hours/leakage meaning a higher realisation rate which plays a part in increasing revenue.
    • More cohesiveness - it may be easier to become friends or at the very least co-dependant. As a result, there may be a greater culture of 'doing your bit' and helping each other out.
    There's probably a few more, but hope that helps. As always, if anyone notices anything wrong, feel free to correct me!
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    Legendary Member
    Future Trainee
    Junior Lawyer
    Jan 8, 2021
    Based on my conversation with them they claim that they let everyone know their decision as soon as they have watched the video interview. It is unsettling that no one else has had to wait long, but if they tell me that I’m not out of the running (having applied on November 4th for Winter top choice, spring second choice and summer third choice) and then having completed VI on February 12th and having heard nothing since, then I imagine you aren’t out of the running either! Let’s just wait until we hear :)


    Legendary Member
  • Dec 28, 2020
    Received another email from Reed Smith that if I am interested in direct TC rather than Summer VS (as this one more geared towards undergrads according to their email).
    From what I've been told, Reed Smith recruit 100% from their VS? I didn't even know they had a direct TC application, so congrats! They must have really liked you!
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    Star Member
    Mar 16, 2021
    Based on my conversation with them they claim that they let everyone know their decision as soon as they have watched the video interview. It is unsettling that no one else has had to wait long, but if they tell me that I’m not out of the running (having applied on November 4th for Winter top choice, spring second choice and summer third choice) and then having completed VI on February 12th and having heard nothing since, then I imagine you aren’t out of the running either! Let’s just wait until we hear :)
    Thank you so much, that’s really reassuring to hear! And yes, we won’t know for sure until we hear back so best to keep an open mind. I’ve got my fingers crossed for you!
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