TCLA Vacation Scheme Applications Discussion Thread 2022-23

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Legendary Member
Junior Lawyer
Feb 1, 2021
Similar question - what’s the general opinion on a blouse without a jacket? I want to look professional enough but I also get super warm when I’m nervous!
I didn’t wear a jacket for any of my virtual ACs, wore a professional looking blouse with sleeves but no jacket. I would have have absolutely melted in a jacket as I live in what is probably London's warmest building so didn’t need to add nervous heat to that!


Distinguished Member
  • Jan 23, 2022
    Do people tend to add partners after an interview on Linkedin / send a thank you email

    As a recent post-AC anxiety sufferer I know how you both feel! Here are some things that helped me:

    • This post:

    • Remind yourself daily that worrying about the AC will not change the outcome and that your thoughts are not fact. It’s impossible to predict what might happen or how the interviewers perceived you, so all you can do is acknowledge that you did the best you could in that moment
    • Give yourself time to ruminate. Strange, but it works. I gave myself 10 minutes a day to ruminate over the interview/assessment and journal my thoughts. This allowed me to express my frustrations and put them aside.
    • Go outside and get some fresh air. Exercise if you can, doesn’t matter if it’s a walk or a gym session just move to get some extra endorphins
    • Distract yourself with your favourite series, book etc. spend time with family and friends
    • Remember that if you don’t get the scheme, you’re a capable candidate and you CAN get another AC
    Hope this helps and fingers crossed you get good news!!
    Thank you for this!
    • 🤝
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    I didn’t wear a jacket for any of my virtual ACs, wore a professional looking blouse with sleeves but no jacket. I would have have absolutely melted in a jacket as I live in what is probably London's warmest building so didn’t need to add nervous heat to that!
    I actually get colder when I'm nervous so I wore fleecy pajama bottoms and fleecy socks for my virtual interviews just hoping they'd not ask me to stand up for some reason hahaha

    Jessica Booker

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    Aug 1, 2019
    Similar question - what’s the general opinion on a blouse without a jacket? I want to look professional enough but I also get super warm when I’m nervous!
    Yes, this is fine in my opinion as long as the blouse is smart/clean/tidy.
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