Apologies if it sounds like I’m venting but I honestly don’t understand what’s taking Weil so long. It’s been over a month
I just finished a 2 month legal internship at one of the big bank; my line manager is a senior lawyer who used to work at Clifford Chance and when I told her that I was thinking of applying to Weil Gotshall & Manges she told me that her team used to joke about them and call them Weil God-awful because the associates and trainees at the firm were bad at responding to people. Weil seems to have the same rep as Davis Polk in my opinion because people seem to see them as sweatshops with d swinging contests. Which is really unfortunate because I've met some really nice people from DP!
But idk I havent't had any personal negative experiences and some of the so called "good" firms like White & Case are also horrible at responding to people. For example, last year W&C didn't tell me that I hadn't been accepted to their WVS until 5 days before the scheme started, they ignored my calls and emails despite me reaching the final stage. And when I asked for feedback on 3 different occasions from my final interview and written assignment - I received nothing, and still haven't! Similarly, other firms which are meant to be "good" like Dentons I found the trainees and associates there to be rather stand-offish and cliquey when I had a lunch meeting with them. So, make sure to keep looking at other firms during this waiting period.
I think Weil is taking a while (see what I did there
) because they are likely waiting to see who from their vacation schemes will accept their Weil training contract offers. If you've been on LinkedIN this week, you would have seen all the posts from people accepting TCs. So, I imagine the deadline to accept for Weil is next Friday. And then the firm has to go from there. Remember they accept UP TO 15 trainees, not 15 trainees. So, grad recruitment may find that only 9 want to stay on and they may not be that inclined to fill the full 15 (hopefully they will). Another issue is that some of the Weil vacation schemers may still be waiting for offers from other firms and they have may have asked Weil to wait a week or two and that could be delaying Weil's ability to fill their trainee spots and therefore delaying us direct TC applicants from hearing back.
Overall, I'd say just don't stress. Prepare for WVS for other firms and be optimistic, that's what I'm doing!