Streetlaw is KCL’s largest pro bono project, giving student volunteers at King’s the opportunity to participate in projects that educate members of the local community about the law. Volunteers work in groups to actively provide residents and students who would not otherwise have access to legal knowledge with a basic overview of the law. Our volunteers give presentations to many different target groups around London, including housing associations, youth groups, and secondary schools/sixth-form colleges.

All KCL students are welcome to join KCL Streetlaw Society; in fact, now-law students are actively encouraged to sign up. We aim to equip our volunteers with all the presentation skills necessary to increase legal knowledge within the community, through training sessions with law firms and advice from King’s Legal Clinic. In various teams led by our carefully selected Team Leads, we aspire to allow volunteers to flex their creative muscle while learning to conduct effective research, as well as developing presentation and public speaking skills.